Dr. Daniel MARWECKI
  Phone: 3917 1926
  Email: dmarhku.hk
  Office: C934

Dr. Daniel MARWECKI is an Honorary Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Public Administration. His research interests include German and European foreign policy, so far with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa. On a more abstract level, he is interested in the historical sociology of international relations, especially with regards to the question of how countries of the ‘global south’ have adapted to the expansion of capitalist modernity from ‘the West’.
Dr. MARWECKI received his PhD from SOAS, University of London in 2018. Afterwards, he worked first as a guest lecturer at the University of Leipzig in Germany, to then teach at both the University of Leeds as well as SOAS during the 2019/20 academic year.
Whilst teaching, Dr. MARWECKI turned his PhD on German-Israeli relations into a book, now available with Hurst Publishers. MARWECKI has been awarded prestigious scholarships in Germany for his studies and research.


  • Marwecki, D. (2020): Germany and Israel: Whitewashing and Statebuilding, London: Hurst.


  • “Racialized International Order? Traces of ‘Yellow Peril’ Trope in Germany’s Public Discourse toward China” (with Enze Han), forthcoming, Cambridge Review of International Affairs.

Book Reviews

  • “Review of ‘Gaza - Preparing for Dawn’ by Donald McIntyre”, Critical Muslim, Jan. 2020.


  • “Germany’s and Israel’s Long, Strange Relationship”, Le Monde Diplomatique, May 2020 (translated into French, Spanish and German).
  • “Learning from Influencers: The Progressive Potentials of YouTube”, Research Report for the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation, Dec. 2019, in German.
  • “Why Did the U.S. and Israel Leave UNESCO?”, E-IR, Feb. 2019.
  • “German-Israeli Relations and the Changing Nature of Antisemitism”, Madar Journal for Israeli Affairs, vol. 20, 2018, in Arabic translation.
  • “A German Victory? Suspicious Identifications in the 1967 War”, dis:orient, Sep. 2017, in German.

Selected Conference Papers and Book Talks

  • Book Presentation at the Kenyon Institute & Educational Bookshop, Jerusalem (Sept. 2020)
  • Book Presentation at the Haifa Center For German and European Studies (May 2020)
  • Book Presentation at the Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham (Dec. 2019)
  • What does it Take to be a Liberal Hegemon? Germany and the Refugee Crisis in Europe (Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham, June 2019)
  • Racialized International Order and the Rise of China (International Studies Association and American Political Science Association annual conferences in 2018, presented by Enze Han)
  • German-Israeli State Relations in the Postwar Era: The Role(s) of Antisemitism (Birkbeck, London, May 2017)
  • Moving Beyond the Moral Narrative: How to Write a History of German-Israeli Relations? (European University Institute, Florence, April 2017)
  • Philosemitism as a Tool to Legitimize Anti-Muslim Racism? Europe’s New Right and Israel (European Sociological Association, Warsaw, Sep. 2016)
  • The German-Israeli Alliance and the Palestine Question (Leo-Baeck Institute, London, Dec. 2015)


  • TRT World (commentary on German reparations for Namibia, August 2020)
  • Euronews (commentary on German FM visit to Israel, June 2020)
  • BBC Radio (general news commentary)