Professor Eva Sørensen

   Professor Eva Sørensen
  Office: C943

Visiting professor Eva Sørensen is professor in public administration and democracy at the Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University. She is co-founder of the research unit, Roskilde School of Governance and she has been principal investigator of several large scale research projects and is currently part of the leadership of three projects of which one is funded by the EU. She has published several books and articles addressing issues related to public sector innovation and leadership. Recent books are ‘Interactive political Leadership‘ published by Oxford University Press in 2020, and ‘Political Innovations’, published by Routledge in 2021. Her expertise is in public administration and political science, and academic interests are in public sector leadership and public innovation with particular focus on the interplay between public and private actors.


  • ---- Advancing Co-creation in Public Governance and Administration through Bricolage and Constructive Hybridization, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (Co-editors Asbjørn Røiseland and Jacob Torfing), In print.
  • 2024 Robust Governance in Turbulent Times, Elements, New York: Cambridge University Press. (With Chris Ansell, Jacob Torfing and Jarle Trondal),
  • 2022 Co-Creation for Sustainability: The UN SDGs and the Power of Local Partnerships, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing (With Chris Ansell & Jacob Torfing), DOI. 10.1108/978180043798.
  • 2022 A Research Agenda for Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (With B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre and Jacob Torfing),
  • 2021 Political Innovations: Creative Transformations in Polity, Politics and Policy, London: Routledge.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

  • 2023 When Norway met co-creation: the import, diffusion, and onboarding of a magic concept in public administration, International Public Management Journal, 26:5, 667-686, DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2022.2128127 (With Janne Breimo and Jacob Torfing).
  • 2023 ‘Reaping the fruits of co-creation through design experiments’, Public Policy and Administration, accepted for publication (With Jacob Torfing and Mitja Decman). Online First: 09520767231197802.
  • 2023 ‘Leading co-creation for the green shift’, Public Money & Management, 43(4): 357-366. (With Hege Hofstad, Jacob Torfing and Trond Vedeld).
  • 2023 The democratic quality of co-creation: A theoretical exploration. Public Policy and Administration, Online First (With Chris Ansell and Jacob Torfing).
  • 2023 ‘Towards a concept of political robustness’, Political Studies, 71(1), 69-88. (With Chris Ansell)
  • 2023 ‘Enhancing city vitality by building platforms for interactive political leadership: Experiences and results from a longitudinal design experiment’, Cities, online first (With Jacob Torfing).
  • 2022 ‘The Three Orders of Public Innovation: Implications for Research and Practice’, The Nordic Journal of Public Innovation, 1(1): 35-52. DOI:

Chapters in anthologies and handbooks

  • 2023 ‘Citizen assemblies and the democratic crisis’, In Min Reuchamps, Yanina Welp and Julien Vrydagh (Eds), Handbook of Citizen Assemblies, Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 129-140 (With Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen).
  • 2023 ‘How Collective Political Intelligence produced better policy: Political Task Committees in Gentofte, Denmark’, In Stephen Boucher, Carina A. Hallin and Lex The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence in Democracy and Governance Paulson (Eds), , Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-189 (With Jacob Torfing).
  • 2023 ‘Etorkizuna Eraikiz: A case of interactive political leadership’, In Xabier Barandiarán, María José Canel & Geert Bouckaert (Eds), Building Collaborative Governance in Times of Uncertainty. Pracademic Lessons from the Basque Gipuzkoa Province, Loeven: Loeven University Press, pp. 188-190.
  • 2022 ‘The politics of New Public Governance’, In Andreas Ladner, Sager Fritz and Alexander Bastien (Eds), Handbook of Politics in Public Administration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 50-59.
  • 2022 ‘Democratic Network Governance’, In Chris Ansell and Jacob Torfing (Eds), The Handbook of Theories of Governance, Cheltenham: Edvard Elgar, 2nd Edition, pp. 462-471.