Dr. Wilfred CHOW 趙為民

   Dr. Wilfred CHOW 趙為民
  Phone: 3917 4881
  Email: wilfred.chowhku.hk
  Office: C945
  HKU Scholars Hub: rp02057


Dr. Chow’s research interests include international relations, political economy, public opinion, and methodology. Specifically, he explores the role of mass publics in international relations by drawing from a diverse set of fields such as comparative authoritarianism, identity politics, and political communication. His research utilizes a multi-method approach that encompasses spatial econometrics, survey experiments, and automated text analysis.

Current research: (i) Diplomacy of whataboutism; (ii) domestic identities and international relations; (iii) dictator vulnerabilities and international conflict

Current teaching: (i) Global Political Economy; (ii) International Political Economy; (iii) Global Governance: Past and Present



  • Descriptive Legitimacy and International Organizations: Evidence from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (with Enze Han). Forthcoming in Journal of Politics.
  • Brexit Identities and British Public Opinion (with Enze Han and Xiaojun Li). International Affairs 95(6): 1369-1387.
  • The Politics of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Authoritarian Countries (with Leonardo L. Baccini). International Interactions 44(2): 189-216.
  • Entry, Vulnerability, and Trade Policy: Why Some Autocrats Liberalize Trade (with Daniel Y. Kono). International Studies Quarterly 61(4): 892-906.

Research in Progress

  • Rugged Terrain, Forest Coverage, and Insurgency in Myanmar (with Enze Han). Revise and resubmit for Conflict Management and Peace Science.
  • Muddying the Waters: How Perceived Foreign Interference Delegitimizes Public Opinion on Protest Movements (with Dov Levin). Revise and resubmit for the American Political Science Review.
  • The Diplomacy of Whataboutism (with Dov Levin).
  • Female Leaders and Gender Bias on the Use of Force (with Kai Quek).
  • International Sanctions and Domestic Political Support: Evidence from Survey Experiment in Thailand (with Enze Han)
  • Investors vs Skilled Immigrants: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Canada (with Enze Han)
  • Collateral benefits? The Diplomacy of Whataboutism among third party states (with Dov Levin and Atsushi Tago)
  • The Dictator’s Gambit: Leadership Survival and International Conflict Escalation