Research Postgraduates

Recent successfully completed and orally defended theses:

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)
Chan Sai Hey Samuel 陳世熙 Can the Good Old Days Restore Trust? A Study in U.S. – China Trust-building
Zhu Yunchen 朱云辰 From Data Silos to Data Pools: Data Integration Challenges in China's Smart Cities
YUAN Minjun 袁旻君 Navigating Across Cross-border Regional Innovation Systems: Institutional Entrepreneurs in China’s Greater Bay Area
BAI Yunpeng 白雲鵬 Authoritarian Cue Effect of State Repression
Myat Aung Kaung Burmese Nationalism Under the Military Junta: Elite Manipulation and Grassroots Contention
NI Jiaqian 倪佳倩 Behavior, Identity, and Incongruency: When and How Are Political Attitudes Moved?
CHOI Wai Tak, Douglas 蔡偉德 Justifying Exclusion: Freedom of Association, Territorial Rights, and the State’s Right to Exclude Immigrants
KWOK Yiu Chung 郭耀聰 State-society Relations and Public Consultation in Hong Kong: A State-in-society Approach
WOODS Andrew Nicholas Jus ad Bellum and the Korean War: Evaluating the Conflict and Testing the Theory
LI La, Larry 李拉 How is “China Insult” Deployed to Mobilise Political Support among Overseas Chinese Community for the Chinese Communist Party?
TONG Kin Long 唐健朗 One Cross-Boundary City Region, Two Discourse, Many Storylines: A Discursive Analysis of Hong Kong – Pearl River Delta Integration
WANG Bin, Oscar 王彬 Institutional Diversity and the Governance of Irrigation Commons in Rural China: Examining Ostrom’s Design Principles under Chinese Fragmented Authoritarianism
ZHAO Lingbo 趙凌波 Alliances as Fair-weather Friendships: External Threats and Alliance Stability
Doctor of Philosophy
Ma Qichang 馬琪昌 Collective Action and Self-governance in the Digital Commons: An Institutional Analysis of China’s Baidu Baike
Li La, Larry 李拉 The State That Negates Constructing Cognitive Continuity in Political Discontinuity
XIE Mengqi Regulatory oversight and information disclosure tools of information management for authoritarian environmentalism
LIU Siyang Peripheral Nationalism in China and beyond: A Cross-regional study of Hong Kong, the Baltic state and Kazakhstan
FENG Naikang 馮乃康 Unpacking Adaptation in Implementation: The Case of China’s Food Safety Policy
MA Rongzhen 馬荣真 The Role, Burden, and Capture of Regulatory Intermediaries: NGOs in China's Environmental Public Interest Litigation System
HAN Xiao 韓 蕭 Chinese Military Thinking of Surprise
ANGIOLILLO Fabio Party Membership in Autocracies: Ruling Parties' Recruitment Strategies and Organizational Strength
KANG Siqin 康思勤 The Inclination of Leviathan: The Expansion and Maintenance of Coercive Capacity in China
XIANG Chen 向 晨 Essays on China's Environmental Governance in Transition
HEMSLEY Elizabeth Immigration Restrictions and the Liberal State: Does Liberalism Require Open Borders?
NEO Qi Zhi 梁啟智 To Censor and Oppress: The Political and Discursive Weaponization of ‘Fake News’ by the Authoritarian State in Southeast Asia
MUKHIN Nikolai The Modern Regency: A New Theory of Leadership Transition in Dictatorships and Regime Resilience: Evidence From Communist Single-party Regimes
SADLER Michael Paul What Makes Military Reassurance Work? Restraint, Conciliation, and Reciprocation During the Cold War
MAO Yexin 毛葉昕 How Does an Authoritarian Regime Choose Its Business Collaborator? Evidence From Public-private Partnerships in China
WANG Mengqiao, Felix 王夢橋 Compensation, Diversion, and the Conservation-Development Tradeoff: Field Evidence from China
AL-SUDAIRI Mohammed Turki A Fighting the Many Smoke-less Wars: A Comparative Study of the Origins, Conceptualizations and Practices of Cultural Security in China and Saudi Arabia
CUI Can 崔 璨 Remaking Water Regime: The Process of Institutional Change in China
FUNG Wai King, Winston 馮為敬 China as a Norm Entrepreneur Disseminating a Humane Authority Model in International Society
LIM Kirk 林駿傑 The Rise of Localism in Hong Kong: A Study of Discursive Formation