Our warmest congratulations go to the following Government and Laws students who will join a
30-member delegation to attend the Global Citizenship Programme 2007, in Geneva from 8 -15 June 2007:
Mr Winson CHU 朱修賢(G&L-1)
Mr Gary TSANG 曾偉傑(G&L-1)
Miss Basilia YUEN 袁梓佩 (G&L-1)
Mr Dixon TSE 謝兆聰(G&L-2)
Mr Eugene WAN 溫志揚(G&L-3)
The Global Citizenship Programme is a flagship programme of the Dragon Foundation organized annually in partnership with the Institute of International Education (IIE) . It aims to broaden the international perspective of a selected delegation of outstanding young leaders, to cultivate them to become committed “Global Citizens” by providing them exchange opportunities for leadership development in the global context. The theme for the 2007 programme is “Ethical Interdependence” and the tours will include visits to non-government and international organizations in Geneva. The programme will focus on the history and development of international organizations in Europe and the importance of ethics for their work in the 21st century.